Art is the Handmaid of Human Good

Life in Lowell, Massachusetts, USA

Oh, Lowell… (Or, why I’m afraid we’re not ready to have nice things…)



Our (obviously very classy) local paper, The Lowell Sun, stole a (pretty crappy, taken with my mobile phone) picture from this post praising our bike lanes to illustrate an article condemning said lanes. No, the irony is not lost on me. Stay classy, Sun.


Post edited to add that the picture was also used in the print edition. Hey, it got me to buy a paper, right :-/

4 thoughts on “Oh, Lowell… (Or, why I’m afraid we’re not ready to have nice things…)

  1. Pingback: Lowell Week in Review: April 27, 2014 |

  2. Pingback: Bicycle Lanes, Data-driven Decisions, and Community Visions | Learning Lowell

  3. Pingback: Learning Lowell

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